Why You Can Rely on Mcdonald’s Golden Guarantee

The new normal is all about regularly checking on sanitization habits and staying safe in every step of the way, thanks to the pandemic. So far, it has also involved questioning and examining the safety of every service available online. In doing so, everyone’s safety is being ensured. And just like everyone else, McDonald’s believes that being careful and vigilant is the only way to come out of the pandemic stronger and better.
Customers who still have apprehensions about eating out or opting for home delivery can rest assured when it comes to McDonald’s because they take every safety measure diligently. The McDonald’s restaurant across your street is probably one of the safest and cleanest places you can find right now. This is not very hard to believe since McDonald’s and food hygiene go hand in hand. Ever since the beginning, safety and hygiene have always been a part of the brand’s ethos and mission. Now that the world is living through an unprecedented health crisis, these safety practices hold even greater meaning for the leading QSR brand.
Here’s how they continue to uphold their customers’ trust even in times like these, they call it the McDonald’s Golden Guarantee!
Golden Guarantee for everyone
Golden Guarantee means 100% safety and 100% delicious for the customers. It means that the safety of you and your loved one’s matter. But at the same time, the taste of the food will not be compromised. The extra steps that are being taken to ensure the safety of everyone do not, in any way, hinder the process of the food being prepared. They are and will always be delicious, as before. This is what the brand promises to all its customers.
If you have been following the brand’s stories online on their blogs and social media handles, you are probably aware of how much effort is being put to ensure safety on all levels of operations. Their chicken, for example, is supplied from reliable and safe sources since the beginning. Customers who can say that McDonald’s makes the best chicken burgers or chicken wings can sigh a breath of relief because their safety is partly guaranteed. This not only applies to chicken, however. The brand makes sure that all its ingredients including spices and vegetables are attained from the best and the most reliable sources. The amount of quality checks that every basic ingredient goes through is commendable. Over and top of that, the safety precautions and measures that are followed in the kitchens and restaurants cannot go unappreciated. This brings us to the workforce that makes your safety possible.
Great effort by the McDonald’s team
The company’s workforce comprises of teams that know what they are doing. They are fully aware of the gravity of the current situation and how one single effort can have an overall impact. A big part of why the employees are super well-informed can be directly attributed to the multiple intense pieces of training that have been given to them. This includes safety courses and classes as well and not only practical training. Once the training is fulfilled, every operation, that involves the new safety precautions, runs like clockwork.
Besides just regular sanitization, the employees make sure that social distancing and other safety protocols are followed by everyone including the customers. Even the delivery boys are trained to follow social distancing while making contactless delivery. Food hygiene and safety are taken care of by the staff once the food reaches the restaurants.
Safety measures while preparation involves wearing gloves at all times. This means that the food being prepared in the kitchen is not touched at all by bare hands. The trays and delivery bags are also sanitized to ensure the utmost safety of the customers. Every common touchpoint in the restaurants and kitchens like counters, tables, chairs, handles, etc are sanitized at regular intervals. To top that, temperature checks have become mandatory in every restaurant. This means that people inside the restaurant are completely safe even while dining in. Taking all these under consideration, it is safe to say that, the food that the customers eat is definitely in good hands.
Originally published at https://www.sooperarticles.com on July 16, 2020.